Kayaking in Death Valley: NASA Unveils the Surprising Size of a Rare Lake


The Birth of a Transient Lake

In the desolate landscape of Death Valley, California – renowned as the driest place in North America – an extraordinary transformation took place this past winter. A rare lake, aptly named Lake Manly, emerged from the barren salt flats of the Badwater Basin, providing a surreal spectacle of aquatic life amid the surrounding aridity.

Unveiling the Enigmatic Depths

The formation of Lake Manly was triggered by an exceptionally wet period from late 2023 to early 2024. Death Valley National Park experienced an astounding 4.9 inches of rainfall during this time, significantly surpassing its typical meager average of just two inches a year. The surrounding mountains received even more abundant precipitation, further contributing to the lake’s genesis.

NASA’s Watershed Insight

The U.S.-French Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite, launched in late 2022 from California’s Vandenberg Space Force Base, captured remarkable data on the unique lake’s size and water levels. Over a period of roughly six weeks, the satellite revealed that Lake Manly’s water depth ranged from a maximum of 3 feet to less than 1.5 feet.

At its peak, following a series of storms in early February, the lake measured approximately 6 miles in length and 3 miles in width, providing ample space for kayaking enthusiasts. However, its ephemeral nature became apparent as water levels rapidly diminished due to evaporation.

Exploring Lake Manly’s Legacy

A testament to the fragility of the desert ecosystem, Lake Manly’s existence was short-lived. By the time the National Park Service released an update in April, the lake had receded to a mere few inches, leaving behind a barren salt crust.

While visitors are still welcome to venture into the area where Lake Manly once stood, they are cautioned against disturbing the delicate salt flats or leaving lasting footprints in the muddy areas, as these impressions can endure for years to come.

Blooming Treasures Amidst Desolation

Despite the evanescence of Lake Manly, the National Park Service offers solace in the form of its abundant wildflowers. Visitors can embark on scenic drives through Panamint Valley and the areas adjacent to Furnace Creek to witness a breathtaking display of floral artistry that adorns the barren surroundings with vibrant hues.

A Call to Preserve the Arid Sanctuary

Lake Manly’s brief appearance serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of preserving our fragile ecosystems. As the driest place in North America, Death Valley National Park provides a sanctuary for unique and resilient life forms that have adapted to extreme conditions.

The ephemeral nature of Lake Manly underscores the vulnerability of these arid landscapes. It is our collective responsibility to protect and appreciate the intricate balance that sustains this remarkable wilderness.

Data sourced from: ktla.com