Tears and Honor: Riverside County Memorializes Child Abuse Victims


In solemn commemoration of National Child Abuse Prevention Month, Riverside County held its second annual flag-raising ceremony on April 15, 2024, to honor the precious lives of young people who have been tragically lost due to abuse, neglect, and violence.

A Community United against Child Abuse

Over 100 community members gathered outside the Riverside County Administrative Center, united in their unwavering commitment to creating a safer and more nurturing environment for our children. Prominent figures in attendance included Riverside County Second and Third District Supervisors Karen Spiegel and Chuck Washington, along with Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco.

Representatives from various community organizations and child abuse prevention services were also present, including the Riverside County Child Assessment Team (RC-CAT) and the HOPE Collaborative, which serves as the county’s Child Abuse Prevention Council.

The Sobering Reality of Child Abuse in Riverside County

Health officials at the event sounded an alarming note, emphasizing the grim reality that child abuse, neglect, and violence continue to cast a dark shadow over the county.

“It is absolutely heartbreaking to witness the alarming levels of maltreatment that some of our most vulnerable children endure,” said Dr. Sophia Grant, Chief of Medical Services at the Riverside University Health System. “Last year alone, RC-CAT provided essential services such as forensic interviews, medical examinations, and family advocacy support to over 1,650 children.”

A Collective Pledge to Protect the Innocent

Local government officials took the opportunity to unequivocally denounce child abuse and pledge their unwavering support to victims.

“We stand together, as a community, to ensure that a robust system of care is available for children who have been subjected to the unimaginable trauma of abuse and neglect,” Supervisor Spiegel declared. “It is our fundamental duty to shield those who cannot protect themselves.”

Resources for Prevention and Support

To further empower our community in the fight against child abuse, the Child Welfare Information Gateway provides invaluable information and resources.

Working together, we can break the cycle of abuse and create a brighter future for every child in Riverside County. Let us honor the memory of those we have lost by redoubling our efforts to prevent further tragedies and protect our most precious young lives.

Data sourced from: ktla.com