Your Uber Lost and Found Index: Unbelievable Things Left Behind


Have you ever left something behind in an Uber? You’re not alone! The rideshare giant recently released its 2024 Uber Lost and Found Index, revealing the most commonly forgotten items, the most forgetful cities, and some truly bizarre discoveries.

Unforgettable Day of Forgetfulness

According to Uber’s data, January 21st was the most forgetful day of 2023. Perhaps it was the post-holiday haze or the start of new resolutions that made items prone to slipping away. Coincidentally, the most popular hour for losing things was between 9 pm and 10 pm, suggesting that late-night revelers may be more inclined to leave their belongings behind.

Los Angeles: The Forgetful Epicenter

Los Angeles Uber drivers had their hands full in 2023, as the city ranked second only to Miami in the number of items left in their vehicles. Perhaps the bustling streets and Hollywood glamour distract riders from remembering their belongings.

Regularly Forgotten Essentials

The most frequently forgotten items in Ubers are unsurprisingly essentials like clothing, luggage, and headphones. However, cameras, laptops, and even vapes make regular appearances in the top ten list.

Unexpected Treasures: A Journey into the Curious

Beyond the mundane, Uber also revealed a list of the 50 most unique and unexpected lost items in 2023. Prepare to be amazed:

  1. Frontal hair toupee
  2. A jar of oysters
  3. Live turtle
  4. Silkworms
  5. Vintage record player
  6. A samurai sword
  7. A human skull (artificial, we hope!)

Lost in Translation: The Color Code Conundrum

Red emerged as the most commonly lost color, followed by black and blue. Perhaps our love for bold hues extends to our belongings as well.

Reclaiming Your Lost and Found

If you’ve lost something in an Uber, don’t despair! Uber offers a dedicated Lost and Found page where you can report your missing item. Provide detailed information, such as the date, time, and location of your ride, and Uber will contact you if your item is found.

The Memory Lane of Lost Items

To delve deeper into the peculiar world of lost Uber items, click here to view the full list of the 50 most unique and bizarre objects left behind in 2023. It’s a fascinating glimpse into the personal and sometimes inexplicable items we carry with us.