Medal of Honor Hero Passes Away: The Unforgettable Story of Ralph Puckett Jr.

Ralph Puckett receiving Medal of Honor
Colonel Ralph Puckett Jr. receiving the Medal of Honor from President Joe Biden.

A Legacy of Courage and Sacrifice

Army Colonel Ralph Puckett Jr., a recipient of the Medal of Honor, has left behind a legacy of courage and sacrifice after passing away at the age of 97. The legendary soldier epitomized the unwavering determination and selfless valor that defines the American military.

Outnumbered yet Unfazed

Puckett’s most renowned act of heroism came during the Korean War, in November 1950. As commander of the 8th Army Ranger Company, he led a meager force of 50 Rangers against an overwhelming force of Chinese troops. Despite being outnumbered ten-to-one, Puckett refused to surrender.

In a relentless two-day battle near Unsan, Puckett orchestrated the defense of a strategically significant hill. Fearlessly, he exposed himself to enemy fire to pinpoint enemy machine-gunners, enabling his Rangers to neutralize them.

Refusing to Retreat

Despite sustaining multiple severe wounds, Puckett refused to leave his men behind. He remained steadfast in his determination to hold the line, inspiring his Rangers to rally and repel multiple Chinese counterattacks.

A Medal Long Overdue

In 2021, President Joe Biden bestowed the Medal of Honor on Puckett, recognizing his unparalleled heroism. It was a long-overdue honor, more than seven decades after the battle that had left him wounded but unbroken.

A Career of Service

Despite his injuries in Korea, Puckett declined a medical discharge and dedicated another 20 years to the Army. He served with distinction in Vietnam, earning a second Distinguished Service Cross for rescuing two wounded soldiers under heavy fire. He retired from the military in 1971 after an illustrious career marked by numerous honors.

A Life of Impact

Beyond his military service, Puckett remained an active and involved member of his community. He dedicated his time to Outward Bound and established a leadership development program, leaving a lasting legacy of inspiration for generations to come.

Lessons of Discipline and Humility

Puckett attributed his unwavering resolve to a pivotal lesson he learned at West Point: “No excuse, sir.” He believed in the importance of accountability and adherence to the highest standards.

Colonel Ralph Puckett Jr. was a true hero who dedicated his life to defending his country and serving others. His unwavering courage, leadership, and resilience will continue to inspire Americans for years to come.

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