Apple’s India Offensive: Unlocking Growth and De-risking Supply Chains


India: A Promising Market with a Growing Middle Class

In recent years, Apple has made a strategic move to expand its operations in India. The country boasts a massive population with a rapidly growing middle class eager to spend on high-end devices like iPhones.

“There are a lot of people coming into the middle class, and I really feel that India is at a tipping point, and it’s great to be there,” said Apple CEO Tim Cook last year.

Manufacturing Footprint: From Zero to 14%

Apple has also boosted its manufacturing capabilities in India through Foxconn, the Taiwanese firm responsible for assembling iPhones. As of this month, India accounts for approximately 14% of global iPhone production, a significant increase from its previous status as a negligible manufacturing hub for the company. According to a government minister, Apple aims to eventually produce 25% of all its iPhones in India.

Vietnam: A Growing Hotspot for Apple Production

While India remains the primary focus for Apple’s supply chain diversification, Vietnam is emerging as another key player. Apple CEO Tim Cook recently visited Hanoi, Vietnam, and the country has become the third largest smartphone market there, with Apple quietly gaining significant market share.

India: The Potential ‘Next China’ for Apple

The Indian market holds immense potential for Apple, with its vast consumer base and booming middle class. The company’s strategy is not only to manufacture iPhones in India but also to establish a strong presence in the local market for direct sales.

Apple CEO Tim Cook has recognized India’s importance, stating, “India is one of the most important markets for Apple in the world, and we are committed to making long-term investments in the country.”

China: Facing Challenges Amid Apple’s Shift

Apple’s shift away from China for manufacturing poses challenges for the country and its smartphone brands. China has been a significant hub for Apple’s production, but concerns about supply chain disruptions and rising geopolitical tensions have prompted the company to diversify its operations.

While Chinese smartphone manufacturers like Xiaomi and Oppo maintain strong positions in their home market and abroad, Apple’s move to India and Vietnam could potentially affect their growth ambitions.


Apple’s pursuit of India and Vietnam as alternative manufacturing and sales hubs highlights the company’s strategy to reduce its reliance on China and tap into emerging markets with a growing appetite for its products. While India and Vietnam face challenges in their quest to become key production centers, Apple’s commitment to diversifying its supply chain suggests that both countries will play a crucial role in the future success of the tech giant.

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