A Year of Living Constitutionally: What Happens When You Try to Follow the Rules to a T?


Embracing the Constitution: A Year of Living Constitutionally

Live the Letter, Learn its Spirit

In his latest literary adventure, acclaimed author A.J. Jacobs embarks on an immersive experiment that explores the depths of the American Constitution. For a full year, he meticulously examined the language and fascinating history of our nation’s foundational document and its subsequent amendments, often accompanied by a musket for added historical flair.

His thought-provoking journey led him to engage in compelling conversations with LA News Center’s John Dickerson, delving into the Constitution’s intricate framework of checks and balances, designed as a safeguard against potential tyranny. Jacobs also delved into the practicalities of petitioning the government and unearthed the simple yet profound joys of writing with a traditional quill pen.

Inspiring Article Summary

  1. A Year of Constitutional Immersion: AJ Jacobs’ year-long odyssey of studying the intricacies of the Constitution’s clauses and amendments provided a profound insight into its significance.

  2. Constitutional Balance: Power in Check: Jacobs highlights the ingenious system of separation of powers within the Constitution, designed to prevent any one branch of government from monopolizing authority.

  3. The Art of Petitioning: Jacobs navigates the logistics of effectively petitioning the government, emphasizing the importance of citizen participation in shaping public discourse.

  4. Writing with History’s Tools: Jacobs’ use of a quill pen during his constitutional year fosters an appreciation for the tangible connection between the past and present, reminding us of the laborious processes that birthed our democracy.

  5. Engaging Commentary: Jacobs’ insightful conversations with LA News Center’s John Dickerson offer valuable perspectives on the Constitution’s evolution, current applications, and its enduring relevance to modern society.

  6. Original Photography Captures Immersion: The article is enriched with captivating images that illustrate Jacobs’ immersive experience, offering visual context to his constitutional journey.

  7. Multimedia Enhancement: Interactive elements such as embedded videos and interactive content enhance the reading experience, fostering a more engaging and immersive understanding of the Constitution.

  8. Call to Action: The article inspires readers to connect with their own Constitution, encouraging them to actively exercise their rights and responsibilities as American citizens.

    Data sourced from: cbsnews.com