Literary Grail Discovered: Unveil the Mystery of Molly Thorn’s Lost Masterpiece


The Alluring Enigma of “I Cheerfully Refuse”: A Conversation on Quixotes and the Cult of Molly Thorn

By LA News Center


Grove Press

Unveiling the World of “I Cheerfully Refuse”

In the midst of a world teetering on the brink of chaos and absurdity, award-winning author Leif Enger presents a captivating novel that deftly blends the whimsical with the unsettling. “I Cheerfully Refuse” is a literary enigma that invites readers to question the boundaries between reality and imagination.

The Enigmatic Boarder and the Holy Grail of Books

At the heart of the novel is a small-town home and its occupants, Lark and Rainy. Their lives take an unexpected turn with the arrival of an enigmatic boarder, Kellan, who brings with him a weathered and tantalizing object—a bound galley of the legendary “I Cheerfully Refuse” by Molly Thorn. For Lark, a lifelong devotee of Molly Thorn’s writings, this discovery becomes a moment of almost holy significance.

Molly Thorn: A Cult Author Lost in Time

Molly Thorn is a figure shrouded in mystery and enigma. A poet, farmer, and rumored recluse, she left behind a slim body of work that has gained a cult following among those who know her name. Her final unpublished masterpiece, “I Cheerfully Refuse,” is the object of Lark’s unwavering search for over a decade.

As Kellan shares the precious galley with the couple, a palpable sense of wonder and anticipation fills the attic room. Yet, beneath the surface, a question lingers: can the act of reading a long-lost masterpiece alter the very fabric of their lives?

Quixotes in a World Gone Mad

Lark and Rainy embark on a literary journey that tests their limits and the boundaries of their imagination. They are “quixotes,” as Lark whispers—open to the wonders of the world and curious to the point of recklessness. In a world that has lost much of its reason, they cling to the hope that a book can be a refuge from the chaos.

The Squelette: A Hand that Holds the Key

Kellan, the young and enigmatic boarder, is a captivating figure in his own right. His curious hand, described as a “mottled claw burnt to ruin,” becomes an object of both fascination and unease. Could he be a “squelette,” one of the rumored beings who seem to vanish without a trace? As the novel unfolds, the mystery surrounding Kellan’s identity deepens, adding an air of intrigue to the already captivating narrative.

The Power of Stories and the Search for Meaning

In “I Cheerfully Refuse,” Leif Enger explores the profound impact that stories can have on our lives. Books have the power to ignite imaginations, challenge our beliefs, and provide solace in times of darkness. Through the characters of Lark, Rainy, and Kellan, Enger invites readers to consider the role of imagination and storytelling in a world that is increasingly uncertain.

Available Now

Don’t miss out on the captivating journey that awaits you in “I Cheerfully Refuse.” A masterful blend of wonder, mystery, and the power of storytelling, this novel is sure to leave an unforgettable mark on your mind.

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