San Diego: America’s New Border Crisis Hub?


Surge in Unlawful Crossings Elevates San Diego to Epicenter of Illegal Immigration

San Diego has emerged as the new hub for unauthorized immigration, according to Jim Desmond, Supervisor of San Diego County. On a single day in April, Border Patrol apprehended 2,000 unlawful border crossers within the San Diego Sector, including a group of 206 Chinese nationals.

This surge has propelled San Diego to the forefront of all nine southern border sectors in terms of apprehensions. Desmond attributes this increase to human smugglers who have identified California, specifically San Diego, as the most accessible route for illegal immigration.

Since the start of the current fiscal year in October 2023, the San Diego Sector has witnessed an astonishing 214,855 apprehensions, involving individuals from over 75 countries around the world.

Desmond has pointed out that it has received confirmation from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regarding the reported figures. In March alone, there were 33,784 apprehended in the San Diego Sector.

Furthermore, Desmond has highlighted the more than 30,000 migrant drop-offs in the San Diego region over the past two months.

California’s Sanctuary State Policy and Its Impact

Desmond criticizes California’s status as a “sanctuary state,” emphasizing that it hampers law enforcement’s collaboration with immigration officials and hinders effective response to these concerns.

In an official news release, Desmond criticized Border Patrol’s inadvertent transformation into an “Uber” for migrants entering San Diego County, while the county plays the role of the “travel agent.”

Comparison with Other Border Sectors

While San Diego Sector has witnessed an influx in apprehensions, it remains behind the Tucson Sector in overall statistics. Since October 2023, Tucson Sector has recorded 342,002 apprehensions.

LA News Center Reaches Out for CBP Response

LA News Center has contacted CBP officials for comment on Desmond’s news release. This article will be updated with the latest information upon receipt.

Stay tuned to LA News Center for ongoing coverage of border-related issues.

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