Thwarting Violence: Women Take Self-Defense Lessons to Combat Southern California Assaults


Women in Southern California Fight Back Against Assault with Self-Defense Lessons

In the wake of recent violent attacks against women across Southern California, the Southland’s female population is taking proactive measures to improve their safety.

Self-Defense Becomes a Necessity

A series of high-profile assaults, including the brutal beatings of two women near the Venice Canals, has sent shockwaves through the community. These incidents have sparked a wave of concern, prompting numerous women to seek out self-defense training.

Melissa, a victim of a random attack in October 2023, shared her harrowing story. “She came at me out of nowhere, kicking my dog and hitting me,” Melissa explained to LA News Center’s Jennifer McGraw. “I was completely caught off guard. I realized I needed to learn how to protect myself.”

Empowering Women to Protect Themselves

At FitSport Kinetics in Pasadena, self-defense instructor Dave Kerr emphasizes the importance of situational awareness and preparedness. “Be vigilant when walking alone,” Kerr advises his students. “Know what to do if you encounter a threat.”

Stun Gun Jen, motivated by a friend’s experience as a victim of repeated sexual assault, has dedicated herself to teaching self-defense to women. “It’s a horrifying trend we’re seeing in our communities,” Lester said. “There seems to be a disturbing escalation of violence against women.”

Essential Safety Tools

Lester believes that women should carry essential self-defense tools such as alarms with GPS tracking, stun devices, striking instruments, and pepper spray. “If we can’t rely on the justice system for protection, we must be our own consequences,” Lester stressed. “By equipping ourselves with these tools and training, we can make ourselves less vulnerable.”

Consequences Not Enough

Lester attributes the lack of deterrence for attackers to the perceived leniency of the justice system. “When justice is not adequately served, it emboldens criminals,” she said. “As victims, we need to send a clear message that we will not tolerate violence against women.”

Standing Strong in the Face of Adversity

The women of Southern California are rising to the challenge, refusing to let fear dictate their lives. By embracing self-defense techniques and taking proactive measures, they are creating a safer environment for themselves and future generations.