Politician Under Fire for Controversial Joke


Politician’s Asian Stereotype Gaffe Sparks Outrage

Rep. Moskowitz apologizes after using insensitive language

Los Angeles, CA — Florida Democratic Congressman Jared Moskowitz has apologized for a racist remark he made in a now-deleted social media post about South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem.

The Controversy Erupts

The incident stemmed from an interview Noem gave on CBS Mornings, where she discussed a deleted passage from her upcoming book, “No Going Back.” In the deleted excerpt, Noem claimed to have met with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un but declined to provide details.

Moskowitz took to social media to express his disbelief, writing: “Why am I getting the feeling that she wanted to eat dog with Kim Jong Un?”

This comment drew immediate backlash, as many saw it as perpetuating a harmful stereotype about Asians.

Apology and Explanation

In response to the outrage, Moskowitz deleted the post and issued an apology. He acknowledged that his tweet was insensitive and fed into a stereotype.

“I would never want to be insensitive and feed into a stereotype,” Moskowitz wrote. “I apologize for my choice of words.”

Democratic Response

Fellow Democratic Representatives Andy Kim and Marilyn Strickland issued a statement condemning Moskowitz’s remark and clarifying that they do not support perpetuating stereotypes, even in the pursuit of opposing extremism.

A Pattern of Controversial Posts

Moskowitz’s apology came after another recent social media post where he shared an edited photo that was widely perceived as mocking President Biden’s appearance at the State of the Union address.

In the side-by-side images, actress Sydney Sweeney was shown wearing revealing clothing at a “Saturday Night Live” appearance next to a shocked-looking Biden. The original photo had captured Biden’s reaction to seeing Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene in the audience.

Wider Condemnation

The two controversial posts have raised concerns among some observers who believe that Moskowitz’s actions reflect a pattern of insensitivity and unprofessionalism.

Calls for accountability for such offensive behavior have been made from both sides of the political aisle, emphasizing the need for elected officials to uphold a higher standard of discourse.

Data sourced from: foxnews.com