Locked in a Make-Shift Jail: Police Rescue Autistic Boy and Discover Horrors in a Fecal-Filled Home


Appalling Nevada Child Neglect Case: Parents Arrested After Boy Found in “Makeshift Jail Cell”

Henderson, Nevada – A shocking discovery has shaken the community of Henderson, Nevada, as parents have been arrested for alleged child neglect after their 11-year-old autistic son was found locked in a metal enclosure resembling a “jail cell.”

The Distressing Scene

On April 23rd, Henderson Police responded to a home for a welfare check. Officers were met with a dilapidated home reeking of feces. Inside, they made a horrifying discovery:

  • An 11-year-old boy, wearing only a diaper, confined to a “makeshift jail cell” with metal bars and locked doors.
  • The cell was covered in feces, indicating the boy had likely been held there for an extended period.
  • Two bedrooms were filled with little to no furniture and had feces smeared on the walls, ceilings, and floors.

The Arrested Parents

The parents, identified as 46-year-old Misty Scanlan and 41-year-old Jeffery Scanlan, were arrested and charged with one count of felony child neglect.

A Pattern of Neglect

Police reports revealed that the parents had allowed the children to live in such squalor for several weeks without proper cleaning. Two of the other children testified that they tried to clean the makeshift cell and the house but had not done so in recent weeks.

Parents’ Defense

According to the report, Jeffery Scanlan claimed the enclosure had been installed six years ago due to the child’s severe autism spectrum disorder. He argued that the child had been placed there for his safety, as he exhibited dangerous behaviors. However, it remains unclear how long the child had been kept in confinement and whether their actions were justified.

Child Protective Services Intervention

The 11-year-old boy was immediately taken to a hospital, and Child Protective Services took the other three children into custody.

Community Outrage

The disturbing discovery has shocked and angered the community. LA News Center is urging anyone with information about this case to contact the Henderson Police Department.

Legal Proceedings

The Scanlans posted bail on Wednesday morning and will appear in court on May 14th. The investigation is ongoing, and the children remain in protective custody.

A Call to Action

This case is a stark reminder of the importance of reporting suspected child abuse or neglect. If you suspect a child is in danger, contact authorities immediately. Your actions can save a life.

Data sourced from: foxnews.com