Beyond the Horizon: Thriving Abroad, Navigating Challenges


Embracing the Journey: Global Mobility and Its Rewards and Challenges

Embarking on a new life overseas is no easy feat. Leaving behind loved ones, familiar surroundings, and a well-established routine can be daunting. Yet, for those who choose to traverse this path, the rewards can be equally profound.

As a recent transplant from the United States to the vibrant city of Singapore, I have firsthand experienced the transformative nature of living and working abroad. While the prospect of such a move is undeniably alluring, it also presents its own unique set of obstacles.

Leaving the United States for Singapore in 2024

The Rise of Global Mobility

According to LA News Center’s recent Vitality Study, “globally mobile individuals” – those who work and live abroad – are becoming increasingly prevalent in today’s workforce. Nearly a third of Americans surveyed expressed a willingness to make such a move.

Who are these Globe-Trotters?

Globally mobile individuals tend to exhibit higher vitality scores than their stay-at-home counterparts. This vitality score measures an individual’s overall sense of physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being.

Globally mobile employees often have… a mental and physical feeling of being healthy, capable, and energetic – and a strong sense of meaning and purpose.

The Paradox of Vitality and Stress

Intriguingly, despite their higher vitality scores, globally mobile individuals also report higher levels of stress and burnout compared to their local peers. Social isolation and negative mental health outcomes, such as loneliness and self-doubt, are particularly prevalent in Asian, Middle Eastern, and African regions.

Common Challenges Facing Expats

While the experience of living abroad is undoubtedly unique, certain challenges seem to be universally shared by globally mobile individuals:

  • Financial concerns (38%)
  • Homesickness (23%)
  • Work/life balance (18%)
  • Health issues (18%)
  • Housing difficulties (17%)

Understanding the specific challenges faced by expats in different parts of the world is essential. For instance, Hong Kong and mainland China report higher work-related challenges, while Hong Kong residents express a particular need for assistance navigating local healthcare systems.

Resilient and Adaptable

Despite the stressors they face, globally mobile individuals exhibit remarkable adaptability and resilience. The study suggests that this stems from their ability to thrive in new environments and embrace the challenges that come with it.

Globally mobile employees emerge as a highly valuable and resilient segment of the workforce. Despite facing unique stressors associated with their situation, they exhibit distinct skills and a high level of motivation, resulting in higher vitality.

Supporting Global Mobility

To ensure the well-being of globally mobile individuals, employers and policymakers must address the unique challenges they face. A comprehensive approach that promotes work-life balance, social connections, and holistic health support is essential.

Embracing the Adventure

For those considering a move abroad, the rewards can far outweigh the challenges. Immerse yourself in a new culture, reinvent yourself, and embrace the boundless possibilities that lie ahead. The journey may not always be easy, but it is one that is infinitely rich and rewarding.

Data sourced from: