Dead or Smart: The Curious Case of Flow in Business


Swimming Against the Current: Embracing Innovation in a World of Passive Acceptance

The Wisdom of the Fish: Navigating Cultural Currents

In the realm of business and life, the adage goes that “only dead fish go with the flow.” Yet, according to Nicholas Syhler, co-founder of medical startup Embla, this adage is flawed.

“In our world, the ‘flow’ refers to culture,” he explains. “When you go with the flow, you align your actions with the cultural norms of your surroundings.”

Beyond Passive Compliance: The Rise of Smart Fish

Syhler, however, makes a crucial distinction between dead fish and so-called “smart fish.” Dead fish passively follow the paths of others, while smart fish are those who “know when a waterfall is approaching.”

Syhler describes smart fish as those who dare to challenge conventional thinking, proposing innovative solutions to potential pitfalls that lie ahead. They possess the foresight and courage to swim against the current when necessary.

The Virtue of Dissent in a Conformist World

Syhler emphasizes the importance of dissenting from the established norms. “It’s okay to disagree with what is considered acceptable today,” he asserts. “That is how we create change and push boundaries.”

By breaking away from the herd mentality, smart fish become agents of innovation, bringing fresh perspectives and groundbreaking ideas to the table. They challenge outdated practices and pave the way for a more progressive and dynamic society.

Cultivating a Culture of Wise Fish

Foster a culture where smart fish thrive by encouraging creativity, open dialogue, and risk-taking. Value those who question the status quo and welcome their ideas, even if they deviate from conventional wisdom.

Recognize that the path to progress is often paved by those who dare to swim against the current. Embrace their wisdom and let their voices lead the way to a brighter and more innovative future.

Additional Tips for Smart Fish:

  1. Question assumptions and challenge conventional thinking.
  2. Look beyond the immediate and anticipate potential risks and opportunities.
  3. Be willing to voice your dissent respectfully, providing well-reasoned arguments to support your ideas.
  4. Collaborate with others who share your vision and passion for innovation.
  5. Remember that change is a gradual process that requires perseverance and resilience.

By embracing these principles, LA News Center believes we can foster a world where smart fish thrive, driving progress and shaping a more dynamic and innovative society.

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