Time Capsule Unearthed from 1920 Brings Echoes of the Past


A Glimpse into Time: Rediscovering Owatonna High School’s 1920 Time Capsule

During the demolition of the former Owatonna High School in Minnesota, construction workers stumbled upon what could only be described as a piece of history – a time capsule dating back to 1920.

As they dismantled the front pillars and doors of the iconic building, the capsule emerged from the rubble, a testament to the foresight of students and administrators from a century ago.

Unveiling the Past

The moment the time capsule was unearthed, the community gathered for a poignant opening ceremony. With anticipation hanging in the air, each retrieved item provided a glimpse into the lives and aspirations of those who had come before.

What’s Inside?

  • A roster of Owatonna Public Schools’ teachers and administrators from 1920
  • The high school magnet, a symbol of the institution’s educational aspirations
  • The high school newspaper, filled with spirited editorials and class notes
  • Three local newspapers, capturing the headlines and perspectives of a bygone era
  • Financial statements, offering insights into the school’s financial standing

Preserving History

The Owatonna High School Museum Committee, in collaboration with the Steele County Historical Society, is working tirelessly to dry and preserve the fragile treasures from the time capsule.

A meticulous process will determine which items will find a permanent home within the school’s walls, while others will be entrusted to the historical society’s collections.

Reflecting on Our Roots

The discovery of the time capsule has given us an invaluable opportunity to connect with our past,” said Jeff Elstad, the school district’s superintendent. “It’s a tangible reminder of the people who laid the foundation for our great school, leaving a legacy for generations to come.”

As the community porters over the artifacts from 1920, they are reminded of the deep ties that bind them to their history. It’s a reminder that even as the school building may change, the spirit of education and community will always endure.