Retirement Abroad: How to Find Hidden Properties and Save a Fortune


For Tommy Sikes, what began as a captivating hobby has transformed into an integral part of his professional journey. As the youngest of his three children neared the cusp of law school, Sikes embarked on an introspective quest to redefine the next chapter of his life and that of his beloved wife. The alluring idea of spending a significant portion of their retirement in the enigmatic tapestry of Europe emerged as a beacon of possibility.

**Igniting the Dream: A Gateway to Affordable European Homes**

Sikes meticulously scoured properties across the Atlantic, his gaze fixed on idyllic locales nestled away from bustling metropolises where the beauty of nature beckoned. These hidden gems beckoned with the promise of affordability, opening the door to outdoor adventures like hiking and kayaking. Sharing his discoveries online, Sikes, a seasoned financial planner, stumbled upon a niche market of potential clients eager to embrace European homeownership.

With unwavering passion, Sikes curated an impressive following of over 25,000 enthusiasts through X, YouTube, and a dedicated weekly newsletter. He recognized the irresistible allure of a European lifestyle, where charming properties awaited in tranquil towns and villages for a mere fraction of what they would cost in the United States.

“I was astounded to find these exceptional properties on the market, priced at an unbelievable ,000, ,000, or even 0,000,” Sikes exclaimed. “While some require renovations, they are still a bargain compared to the staggering cost of a new truck here.” However, Sikes emphasized the importance of caution, urging his subscribers and clients to resist impulsive purchases, even if they deemed it financially feasible.

“Unfortunately, there exists a knowledge gap in this realm of planning – particularly for Americans. It is imperative to conduct thorough financial planning upfront, ensuring that such an undertaking is practical and aligns with your financial aspirations,” Sikes advised.

**Embarking on the Journey: Three Essential Steps to European Homeownership**

1. **Financial Inventory: Laying the Foundation**

Sikes collaborates with a diverse clientele considering retirement abroad, akin to his own contemplations. For many, the allure of living overseas lies in its substantial financial appeal.

“Consider this – by simply running a comparative financial plan, we often discover that the cost of living in certain European destinations is a mere 50% of what it is in the United States. This translates into enhanced lifestyle choices…or even the potential to retire several years earlier,” Sikes explained.

Before indulging in idyllic visions of a Mediterranean retirement, a comprehensive financial appraisal is essential, he emphasized. “Thoroughly assess your assets, income streams, and pension plans. Determine your anticipated Social Security income and evaluate if your investments are geared towards maximizing retirement income. These are the fundamental financial considerations you need to address,” Sikes advised.

To delve deeper into the financial implications of expat retirement, Sikes suggests seeking guidance from a tax professional who specializes in international matters.

2. **Navigating the Homebuying Process: A Road Less Traveled**

For those enthralled by the properties Sikes showcases, there are few legal barriers to purchasing in the European countries he focuses on. “Astonishingly, there are no restrictions on American citizens acquiring property in Italy or France. You do not need to hold citizenship or residency. Remote purchases are entirely feasible,” Sikes clarified.

However, despite the ease of purchase, navigating the homebuying process often requires considerable effort.

“Most American buyers are accustomed to mortgage financing. However, obtaining a mortgage in France or Italy as a U.S. citizen is uncommon unless you have established a long-standing relationship with a local lender,” Sikes cautioned.

Even with an all-cash offer, a seamless transaction is far from guaranteed.

“The most significant obstacle we encounter is the lack of communication between buyers and sellers or their agents. Language barriers pose challenges as all documentation is typically in Italian or French,” Sikes explained. “Realistic expectations are crucial. Frequent contact with the seller or agent is often necessary, and lengthy delays in responses are common.” To mitigate these challenges, Sikes advocates for partnership with experienced planners who specialize in cross-border transactions and collaborate with local professionals.

“Short of that, I highly recommend enrolling in language classes – not just casual app-based learning. Immerse yourself in French or Italian music and news broadcasts to familiarize yourself with the language,” Sikes advised.

3. **Test-Drive Paradise: A Glimpse into Your Future**

Even if you have stumbled upon your dream abode in the picturesque French Riviera, your day-to-day life abroad may differ drastically from your romantic vision.

“It’s not uncommon for buyers to fall in love with a property without realizing that the charming village it’s situated in offers limited amenities, such as a solitary restaurant and no bars. You may find yourself isolated without a car due to lack of public transportation or a significant commute to reach the nearest healthcare facility,” Sikes warned. “Remember, the location often holds more importance than the property itself.”

To gain an authentic experience of your potential new home, Sikes strongly recommends renting in the area for an extended period.

“Consider a trial stay of at least two weeks to a month – a miniature retirement, if you will. Visit the local market, engage with the community, explore your surroundings, and gauge if an expat community exists,” Sikes suggested. If you are truly enamored with a particular location, Sikes proposes hiring a local representative to act as your boots-on-the-ground advisor, saving you countless expenses on transatlantic flights to attend real estate viewings.

However, Sikes cautions that ultimate satisfaction lies in an authentic connection with the place you choose to relocate to. “After all, if it doesn’t fulfill your desires or provide the conveniences you need, it simply will not sustain your happiness long-term,” he concludes.

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