Unlocking the Secrets to “Happierness”: 3 Key Ingredients to Fuel Your Joy


In the pursuit of happiness, renowned social scientist Arthur C. Brooks, author of “The Happiness Project,” unveils the key to lasting contentment: not chasing happiness but striving for “happierness.”

The Macronutrients of Happiness

Like a balanced diet, happiness requires a blend of three essential nutrients:

  1. Enjoyment: Savor the pleasure of life’s moments, but complement them with human connection and memories.
  2. Satisfaction: Embrace the challenges and struggles that make rewards truly meaningful.
  3. Purpose: Discover the deeper meaning in your existence and drive towards your unique goals.

Enjoyment: The Art of Embellishing Pleasure

Contrary to popular belief, enjoyment is more than just seeking pleasurable experiences. Brooks emphasizes the importance of adding people and memories to your indulgences:

  • Socialize with loved ones over drinks or share laughs over videos.
  • Indulge in solitary pleasures like reading or meditating, but create shared experiences for social connection.
  • Transform momentary joys into lasting happiness by capturing them with others.

Satisfaction: The Joy of Earning Your Rewards

Satisfaction stems from the fulfillment gained through hard work and perseverance. As Brooks states:

“We need to struggle… We need pain in our lives, because that’s actually how we earn something.”

Like the savory taste of a meal after an intense hunger, the value of our achievements increases when we invest our efforts into them.

Purpose: Finding the Meaning in Your Journey

Purpose gives life a sense of direction and significance. It encompasses three sub-components:

  • Coherence: Understanding the interconnectedness of events.
  • Direction: Setting goals and pursuing them with determination.
  • Significance: Embracing your unique contribution to the world.

There are no definitive answers to these questions, but confronting them is crucial. As Brooks explains:

“It takes a lot of work” to find your purpose, but it’s really important to think about it and have a sense of direction.”

Embracing the Path to Happierness

True happiness is not a static destination but a perpetual journey of striving for “happierness.” By nurturing the macronutrients of enjoyment, satisfaction, and purpose, we unlock the potential for lasting contentment.

Data sourced from: cnbc.com