Myopia Epidemic: Will Half the World Need Glasses by 2050?


Myopia: An Epidemic Affecting Half the World’s Population by 2050

Our reliance on near work is contributing to an alarming increase in myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness. By 2050, nearly half of the global population may require corrective lenses, placing a significant burden on our healthcare systems.

Near Work and the Epidemic

While increased screen time plays a role in myopia development, research points to more complex factors. Two recent studies strongly suggest that extended periods of focusing on objects directly in front of us are a major driver of myopia.

Professor Andrew Herbert, from the Rochester Institute of Technology, clarifies: “When we focus on something within arm’s length, we subject our eyes to near work. The more time spent on near work, the higher the risk of developing myopia.”

Boy holding a phone in front of his face

Sunlight’s Protective Role

Sunlight, surprisingly, also plays a crucial role. A 2022 study from Germany revealed that children who spent less time outdoors had an increased risk of developing myopia. This suggests that natural light may protect against the condition.

Symptoms and Concerns

Myopia affects one’s ability to see objects at a distance clearly. Common symptoms include:

  • Blurry vision while looking far
  • Difficulty seeing objects in low-light conditions
  • Squinting to focus on distant objects
  • Headaches caused by eye strain

Mitigating Risk: Practical Tips

While myopia cannot always be prevented, there are steps we can take to reduce the risk:

  1. Take frequent breaks from near work: Allow your eyes to rest by looking away from screens every 20-25 minutes.
  2. Increase outdoor time: Spend at least 1-2 hours per day in bright sunlight to protect your eyes.
  3. Maintain a healthy eye distance: Hold objects like books or devices a comfortable distance away from your face.
  4. Arrange good lighting: Ensure your workspaces and reading areas are well-lit.
  5. Get regular eye exams: Visit an eye doctor annually to monitor your vision and check for any signs of myopia.

Remember, myopia is a manageable condition, but it requires attention and care. By adopting these simple measures, we can protect our eyesight and reduce the risk of myopia.