TMJ Torment: The Agony of Misunderstood Jaw Pain and Failed Treatments


The Hidden Horrors of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ): An Agonizing Saga of Unsatisfactory Treatment

Jenny Feldman, photographed after a TMJ-related surgery when she was...

Widespread Neglect and Inadequate Treatment Plague TMJ Sufferers

Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ) remain a widespread and undertreated ailment, affecting up to 33 million Americans, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Despite decades of efforts by dentists, the disorders continue to be poorly understood and ineffectively treated.

The horrors of TMJ are exemplified by the plight of patients such as those mentioned in the article:

  • A Maine patient underwent six surgeries to replace parts of her jaw.
  • A California woman resorted to using a screwdriver to lengthen her jawbone.
  • A New York patient received bone grafts from her rib and fat from her belly into her jaw joint.

Questionable Dental Interventions and Their Detrimental Consequences

Traditional dental interventions for TMJ, such as splints and orthodontics, have shown mixed results and may even exacerbate the problem. Studies have found that these treatments are based on inadequate research and strongly held but unfounded beliefs.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) concluded in a comprehensive review that most dental professionals have received minimal training on TMJ disorders and that patients are often harmed by overly aggressive or ineffective care, while proven treatment options are lacking.

Dr. Rena D’Souza, director of the NIH’s National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, acknowledges the inadequacy of current treatment approaches, stating, “We don’t understand the disease.” This lack of understanding has contributed to a cycle of futile surgeries that has left many patients with diminished hope and worsening TMJ symptoms.

Terrie Cowley, a longtime TMJ patient and advocate, believes that the lack of effective treatments is so severe that she advises many patients to avoid dental treatments altogether, at least initially.

Overlooked by Medical Science: The Plight of Women with TMJ Disorders

Scientific studies have found a striking gender disparity in TMJ disorders, with women being afflicted up to nine times more often than men. Theories about hormonal influences are being explored, but a clear understanding of this disparity remains elusive.

This gender bias has contributed to TMJ disorders being historically dismissed as a less serious issue, hindering the allocation of resources for research and treatment.

Jenny Feldman is photographed as a teenager before one of...

Female patients with TMJ disorders often complain of feeling marginalized or dismissed by male healthcare providers, who may attribute their symptoms to stress or jaw clenching.

The limited understanding of TMJ disorders in women has hindered research efforts and contributed to misdiagnoses or ineffective treatments, leaving them in constant pain.

Down a Perilous Path: The Escalating Cycle of TMJ Surgeries

Desperate for relief, some patients opt for invasive surgical interventions, but