El Salvador’s Radical Plan: Free Citizenship for Foreign Workers


In a captivating move to invigorate El Salvador’s workforce, President Nayib Bukele has unveiled an extraordinary initiative: free citizenship for 5,000 “highly skilled scientists, engineers, doctors, artists, and philosophers from abroad.”

The Quest for Brilliance

Bukele’s plan, announced via social media, targets individuals with exceptional abilities in fields crucial to El Salvador’s transformation. The influx of these professionals, representing a mere 0.1% of the nation’s population, holds immense potential for progress.

Full Citizenship and Unparalleled Privileges

The newly acquired Salvadoran citizens will enjoy all the rights and privileges bestowed upon native-born citizens, including the right to vote. Their contributions, Bukele believes, will create a ripple effect, shaping the country’s future.

An Enticing Welcome Mat

To further entice global talent, Bukele has introduced an array of incentives:

  • Zero percent taxes and tariffs: All assets, including valuable commercial items, will be exempt from taxation, making relocation a financially attractive proposition.
  • Streamlined logistics: The government will facilitate the relocation of families, ensuring a seamless transition into their new home.

A Pathway to Progress

Bukele’s initiative highlights the growing recognition that skilled immigration is vital to economic development. By welcoming global talent, El Salvador aims to foster innovation, create job opportunities, and enhance the nation’s overall competitiveness.

A Symbol of Aspiration

The granting of passports to 5,000 foreign professionals is not merely a transactional maneuver. It signifies El Salvador’s aspirations to become a hub for brilliance and a beacon of progress. By embracing diversity and tapping into global expertise, the nation embarks on a bold journey towards a brighter tomorrow.