Mosquito Mayhem: Is Your City Crawling with These Bloodthirsty Bugs?


Brace yourselves, Angelenos! You’re not imagining it – those buzzing, bloodthirsty visitors have arrived in full force. According to a comprehensive study by Terminix, the City of Angels now holds the dubious honor of being the mosquito capital of America.

Why the Sudden Spike?

The culprits are the rising global temperatures. Warmer conditions allow mosquitoes to emerge earlier and stick around longer. Furthermore, areas prone to high humidity, like our beloved coastal haven, are particularly susceptible to these uninvited guests.

Which Cities Are the Buggiest?

If you’re not from L.A., consider yourself fortunate. Turns out, Los Angeles isn’t the only city battling a mosquito infestation. New York, Dallas, Atlanta, and Philadelphia are hot on our heels.

In fact, the top 50 mosquito havens in the country include a whopping four other Californian cities: San Francisco, Palm Springs, Sacramento, and San Diego.

Health Hazard Alert

Mosquitoes are more than just annoying – they’re disease carriers. According to Terminix, cases of West Nile virus have skyrocketed threefold in the U.S. within a year, a grave reminder of the health risks posed by these uninvited guests.

How to Fight Back

Don’t let these bloodsuckers ruin your peace! Follow these expert tips from Terminix to become a mosquito fortress:

The Three D’s of Mosquito Defense


  • Use EPA-approved insect repellent with at least 20% DEET.
  • Apply repellent to skin and clothing as directed.


  • Mosquitoes love dark colors, so opt for lighter hues.
  • Cover up with long sleeves, pants, and socks when near water or wooded areas.


  • Nurture a mosquito-free zone around your home by eliminating all potential breeding grounds.
  • Drain standing water in gutters, flower pots, fountains, and birdbaths.
  • Remember, they can breed in as little as a tablespoon of water!

Local Experts to the Rescue

If you’re drowning in mosquitoes, consider reaching out to local pest control specialists. They possess the know-how to tailor effective solutions specifically for your mosquito woes.

Mosquito Wars: A Call to Arms

Los Angeles, we are in this together! Let’s make our city a sanctuary from these buzzing bloodsuckers and protect our health and comfort. Stay vigilant, follow these tips, and let’s put an end to the mosquito madness!

Data sourced from: