American Held Captive by Taliban: UN Investigation Urged Amidst Alleged Torture and Abuse


American Languishes in Taliban Captivity, Lawyers Appeal for Intervention

Ryan Corbett, an American citizen, has been held captive by the Taliban for nearly two years, enduring harrowing treatment that has left him a shadow of his former self. Desperate for his release, his lawyers have reached out to the United Nations, seeking urgent intervention to end his ordeal.

A Dire Plight

Corbett’s journey to Afghanistan turned into a nightmare when he was abducted in August 2022. Armed Taliban members seized him during a trip to the northern province, accusing him of espionage. Since then, he has been shuttled between multiple prisons, denied access to legal counsel, and subjected to relentless abuse.

The petition filed by Corbett’s lawyers paints a grim picture of his condition. He has allegedly been threatened, tortured, malnourished, and deprived of medical care. He’s been held in solitary confinement, including in a basement cell with limited sunlight and exercise. The severe conditions have taken a heavy toll on his physical and mental health.

Whispers of Despair

Corbett’s only source of communication with the outside world has been limited phone calls with his family. During these brief conversations, he has expressed profound anguish, revealing that the constant mental torture has left him devoid of hope.

“This situation is just dragging on, and I’m increasingly concerned,” said Anna Corbett, Ryan’s wife. “I’m taking steps that I hope will make a difference and help the situation, but I’m just panicking about Ryan’s deteriorating health.”

Unanswered Pleas

Anna Corbett has tirelessly advocated for her husband’s release, reaching out to government officials and international organizations. The U.S. government has designated Ryan as wrongfully detained and claims to be exerting every effort to secure his return.

However, the Afghan authorities deny any knowledge of Corbett’s case. This lack of acknowledgment adds to the family’s distress, leaving them in a state of uncertainty and despair.

A Life Put on Hold

Corbett, a former NGO supervisor and business entrepreneur, had initially moved to Afghanistan with his family in 2010. Forced to flee the country in 2021 as the Taliban advanced, he returned in 2022 to renew his business visa and resume his work.

“We were all pretty nervous about that trip,” Anna recalled. “But he returned safe and sound, so he decided to go back a second time.”

Little did they know that this seemingly uneventful visit would turn into an endless nightmare for Corbett and his loved ones.

A Lingering Trauma

Corbett’s family is haunted by the unknown, fearing for his safety and the long-term effects of his captivity. Anna has been shielding her teenage children from the full extent of their father’s ordeal, but the weight of his absence lies heavy on their hearts.

“This is so difficult,” Anna said. “The uncertainty is just overwhelming. We don’t know what news is coming next. And I’m worried about the effect of the trauma on Ryan and my kids.”

As Corbett languishes in Taliban custody, his family and lawyers continue to fight for his freedom, hoping that their pleas will reach the ears of those who can finally end his torment.

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