Chaos on Columbia Campus: Students Abandoned as Anti-Israel Demons Take Over


**Unrest at Columbia: Protesters Occupy Academic Building, Students Feel Abandoned**

Columbia University students are expressing alarm and frustration over the chaotic scenes that unfolded on their campus overnight, as anti-Israel protesters seized an academic building and effectively took over the heart of the university’s academic life.

Witness to the Chaos

Jessica Schwalb, a student who witnessed the events firsthand, described the scene as “almost like a scene from The Shining.” Protesters had smashed through glass windows with a hammer to gain access to Hamilton Hall, the revered academic building that houses the university’s highest administrative offices.

A Climate of Fear and Isolation

The lax security on campus has left students feeling vulnerable and abandoned. Protesters have been running rampant, while outside agitators have infiltrated the campus. Jessica further shared that she had seen a student attempt to prevent protesters from barricading the doors but was “corralled by [a] human chain of pro-Palestinian protesters and basically lifted up and shoved out and called a Zionist.”

Jonas Du, another student who witnessed the chaos, spoke of the surreal atmosphere on campus. He witnessed protesters saying they were going to occupy Hamilton Hall, a move that has historically been associated with significant disruptions and protests at the university.

University Response Deemed Inadequate

Despite the widespread unrest, students feel that the university has been slow to respond. “There’s utter silence from public safety, from NYPD,” said Jessica. “So, we feel alone on this campus.”

Jonas Du further added that Columbia University has “lost control of its gates” and that outside agitators have infiltrated the campus. He described seeing people climbing through windows from the street, presumably non-affiliated with the university, and joining the protesters.

Calls for Consequences and Resolution

Both Jessica and Jonas are calling for the university to take decisive action to quell the protests. Jessica believes that protesters should face stiff consequences, including academic punishments or disciplinary actions that could affect their future job prospects.

Jonas emphasized the need for the university to take back control and maintain a safe learning environment, especially for the Jewish community, which has been targeted by the protesters.

The situation at Columbia University remains fluid, but the students’ voices should not be ignored. It is imperative that the university takes their concerns seriously and works swiftly to restore order and create a safe and secure campus environment for all its students, regardless of their viewpoints.