Cash Ban Buzz: LA Councilmembers Aim to Bridge Payment Divide


LA Unveils Bold Plan to Ban Cashless Businesses: Ensuring Equity for All

In a move that’s poised to reshape the economic landscape of the city, three esteemed LA City Councilmembers are spearheading a groundbreaking initiative to prohibit cashless businesses within city limits. The proposed ban, scheduled for a decisive press conference on Tuesday, aims to foster an inclusive and accessible economy for every Angeleno.

Breaking Down Barriers to Financial Inclusion

The pandemic brought about a surge in cashless transactions as businesses sought to curb human contact. However, this shift inadvertently disadvantaged certain segments of the population, including unbanked individuals, young adults, and seniors who favor traditional payment methods.

The motion, spearheaded by Councilwoman Heather Hutt, seeks to rectify these disparities. “By mandating the acceptance of cash, we’re ensuring equal access to goods and services for all,” Hutt asserted. According to her release, the ban will particularly benefit communities of color, youth, and seniors who are disproportionately affected by cashless policies.

Uniting Voices for Equal Opportunity

Joining Councilwoman Hutt in her crusade are Councilmembers Eunisses Hernandez and Hugo Soto-Martinez. They will be joined by community advocates Alberto Retana and Leslie Belt, whose firsthand experiences highlight the systemic exclusion caused by cashless businesses.

Alberto Retana, President of Community Coalition, has witnessed the detrimental impact on his community. “Cash remains a vital lifeline for many low-income households,” he explains. “A ban on cashless businesses is a crucial step towards creating a more just and equitable society.”

Leslie Belt, a representative from the Jenesse Center, echoes Retana’s concerns. “Victims of domestic violence often rely on cash to escape dangerous situations,” she says. “Cashless businesses inadvertently put these individuals at risk.”

Tuesday’s Press Conference: A Call to Action

The pivotal press conference, scheduled for Tuesday, March 14th, at 9:15 AM at Los Angeles City Hall, will provide a public platform to discuss the urgency and importance of this legislation.

The City Councilmembers invite all interested Angelenos to attend the conference and show their support for a more inclusive and equitable economy. Together, they will demand a ban on cashless businesses and strive to create a city where every resident has equal access to goods and services, regardless of payment method.

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