Investigator Caught Swindling Homeless New Yorkers Amid Pandemic Crisis


Fraudulent COVID Unemployment Claims: NYC Homeless Services Investigator Indicted

A bombshell indictment has revealed a shocking case of fraud perpetrated by a New York City Department of Homeless Services investigator. Olabanji Otufale, a 41-year-old man from Brooklyn, stands accused of exploiting the plight of vulnerable New Yorkers during the COVID-19 pandemic for personal gain.

Leveraging Sensitive Information for Illicit Enrichment

Otufale allegedly gained unauthorized access to personal information belonging to at least 10 homeless individuals, including their names, birth dates, Social Security numbers, and even photos. According to federal authorities, he then sold these details to Mark Lazarre, a New Jersey-based identity theft scammer.

Exploiting the CARES Act Stimulus Package

Lazarre allegedly used the stolen identities to file fraudulent COVID-related unemployment claims with the New York State Department of Labor. Exploiting the federal CARES Act’s economic stimulus package, these claims resulted in over million in emergency COVID relief flowing to Lazarre’s and Otufale’s pockets.

Unethical Conduct and Termination Proceedings

LA News Center has confirmed that the New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ administration has taken swift action in response to the accusations. The Department of Social Services (DSS) has “instated termination charges should this individual attempt to return to work,” condemning Otufale’s actions as a betrayal of the agency’s mission.

Internal Audit Uncovers Misconduct

Internal investigations conducted by DSS revealed that Otufale fraudulently accessed sensitive information of 13 households residing in shelters. His LinkedIn profile indicates a longstanding tenure with the city of New York, extending back to 2008. Records obtained by the NY Daily News reveal Otufale’s salary was ,000 in 2020, with overtime and other payments pushing his total earnings to more than ,500.

Indictments and Arraignment Pending

Otufale and Lazarre now face numerous charges, including aggravated identity theft and conspiracy to commit wire fraud. Otufale’s arraignment is scheduled to take place in the Brooklyn Federal Court.

Lazarre, with a previous history of identity theft convictions, is currently incarcerated on bank fraud charges in New Jersey.

Protecting the Vulnerable from Exploitation

This case highlights the urgent need to safeguard vulnerable populations from unscrupulous individuals seeking to exploit their personal information for financial gain. The fact that a government employee allegedly engaged in such a scheme is particularly disturbing and undermines public trust.

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