Baltimore Accuses Company of Criminal Negligence in Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse


In a comprehensive court filing, the city of Baltimore has accused Grace Ocean Private Ltd., the parent company of the Dali cargo ship, of gross and potentially criminal negligence in the March 26 crash that toppled the Francis Scott Key Bridge.

The six-page filing alleges that the company put an “unseaworthy vessel” into the water, causing irreversible damage to the bridge and the port of Baltimore.

“For all intents and purposes, Petitioner’s negligence caused them to destroy
the Key Bridge, and single-handedly destroy the Port of Baltimore, a source
of jobs, municipal revenue and no small amount of pride for the city of
Baltimore and its residents,” the city’s filing reads.”
alt=”Part of a span of the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge is suspended on the container ship Dali in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S., March 26, 2024. U.S.”

According to the city, the Dali continued its departure despite repeated
warnings of inadequate power. The ship ultimately lost power moments before
crashing into the bridge.

Grace Ocean’s Response

Grace Ocean Private Ltd. has filed a counter-lawsuit seeking to limit their financial liability to just .7 million—a figure far below the billions of dollars expected in cleanup and bridge reconstruction costs.

Legal Battle Ensues

Monday’s filing marks the latest development in what is expected to be a lengthy legal fight over responsibility for the crash. Baltimore’s mayor, Brandon Scott, announced in April that the city would pursue aggressive legal action to hold the responsible parties accountable for the devastating consequences.

Ongoing FBI Investigation

Meanwhile, the FBI continues to investigate the collapse, focusing on whether the ship’s crew was aware of any technical or operational issues before departing the port.

Rebuilding Baltimore’s Future

The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge and the subsequent loss of
life have cast a shadow over the city of Baltimore. As the legal battles
unfold, the city’s focus remains on supporting the victims and businesses
affected while working to restore the vital port and rebuild the city’s
infrastructure for a brighter future.