Slender Man Trial: Conditional Release Denied for Convicted Teen


A Complex Saga Revisited

In a recent hearing, a Washington County judge denied the petition for conditional release of Morgan Geyser, one of the two young women who gained notoriety for their involvement in the 2014 Slender Man stabbing.

The Infamous Case

In May 2014, Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier, then 12 years old, lured their classmate Payton Leutner into a wooded area and stabbed her 19 times. They claimed they did so to appease Slender Man, a fictional horror character they believed they had to protect their families from.

Leutner miraculously escaped the attack and was found alive by a bicyclist. Geyser and Weier were arrested and charged with attempted first-degree homicide.

Mental Health Assessment

After pleading not guilty by reason of mental disease, Geyser was found not guilty and sentenced to indefinite state mental health supervision. Over the past decade, her mental health has been closely monitored at a secure facility.

Conditional Release Request

Geyser’s attorney recently filed a petition for conditional release, arguing that her mental health had significantly improved. Her treating physician, Dr. Kayla Pope, supported this claim, saying she had consistently shown stability and progress.

However, the prosecution countered by presenting evidence that Geyser had previously admitted to faking her illness and had a history of violence. Medical experts also diagnosed her with schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Public Safety Concerns

Judge Michael Bohren, after careful consideration of the evidence, ultimately denied Geyser’s release. He expressed concerns about her credibility and the potential danger she posed to the public if she left the structured environment of the mental health facility.

“The victim’s family is vehemently opposed to the release of Morgan Geyser,” explained prosecutor Ted Szczupakiewicz.

An Ongoing Saga

Morgan Geyser will remain in state custody, receiving treatment for her mental health issues. Her release will be reviewed again in six months’ time.

This case serves as a poignant reminder of the complex interplay between mental illness, criminal intent, and societal safety. As medical science continues to explore the depths of the human mind, the Slender Man stabbing remains a chilling example of the darkness that can manifest within individuals, even at a young age.

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