Meet Hollywood’s Biggest Medium and His 600,000-Strong Waiting List


At a remarkable age of 28, psychic medium Tyler Henry has ascended to the forefront of his industry, capturing the attention of the entertainment world and beyond.

Henry has established a solid following with his captivating television show, thought-provoking public appearances, and an impressive waiting list boasting over 600,000 individuals yearning for his guidance in connecting with their departed loved ones.

In an exclusive interview with LA News Center, Henry eloquently shared his journey, the genesis of his extraordinary ability, and how he believes his talent serves as a beacon of solace for those grappling with grief.

**The Genesis of a Remarkable Gift**

Henry’s psychic abilities emerged at a tender age of 10. While playing with a Ouija board with his grandmother, he experienced an unexplainable connection, igniting his awareness of a gift that would shape his destiny.

“I started connecting with spirit and was able to communicate with my grandmother on the other side,” Henry recounted. “That experience forever changed my life, awakening me to the realization that there is more to existence beyond our physical realm.”

**Embracing Skepticism and Nurturing Trust**

Despite the extraordinary nature of his abilities, Henry welcomes skepticism with open arms, understanding the need to prove his authenticity.

“I believe in the importance of fostering trust through transparency and accountability,” he stated. “I encourage people to question me, to be critical of my readings, and to hold me accountable for my actions.”

Through his genuine approach and unwavering commitment to integrity, Henry has earned the respect of skeptics and believers alike.

**The Profound Impact of Grief and Healing**

Henry firmly believes that his talent has a profound impact on individuals grieving the loss of loved ones. He views his readings as opportunities to provide solace and facilitate healing.

“When someone we love passes away, a part of us goes with them,” Henry explained. “My goal is to create a bridge between the spiritual and physical realms, allowing people to connect with their loved ones and find some measure of peace during their time of mourning.”

**A Legacy of Empathy and Compassion**

Beyond his public persona, Henry is known for his unwavering empathy and compassion. He actively supports organizations dedicated to mental health awareness and provides pro bono readings to those in need.

Henry’s mission extends beyond providing readings; he aspires to create a world where empathy and understanding prevail.

“I hope that my work will encourage people to be more open-minded, to believe in the possibility of something greater than ourselves, and to treat one another with kindness and respect,” Henry concluded.

As Tyler Henry’s star continues to shine brightly in the entertainment industry and beyond, his legacy of empathy, compassion, and the profound impact he has on the lives of those he touches will undoubtedly endure for years to come.