13-Year-Old Daredevil Becomes GoPro’s Youngest Professional


13-Year-Old BMX Prodigy Backflips His Way to GoPro’s Elite Team

Get ready to witness the extraordinary journey of Connor Stitt, the 13-year-old BMX rider who has soared onto GoPro’s elite team of professional athletes.

The Next Generation of Action Sports Icons

Connor was one of eight exceptional young athletes chosen through GoPro’s Grom Quest Challenge, a competition designed to unearth the brightest stars of the future in action sports. His jaw-dropping video submission showcased an incredible feat: he became the world’s youngest person to land a triple backflip on a bike.

BMX rider Connor Stitt.
BMX rider Connor Stitt.

From Aspiring Rider to Elite Athlete

Connor’s BMX journey began at just 8 years old. Over the years, his passion and relentless practice culminated in the legendary triple backflip. “It was surreal! I had never experienced such an adrenaline rush,” says Connor. “It was the culmination of my dreams and countless hours of hard work.”

A Lucrative Sponsorship and a World-Class Platform

As part of the GoPro team, Connor will receive a significant monetary and equipment sponsorship. This support will enable him to pursue his professional BMX career with even greater determination and success.

Mentorship and Inspiration

In addition to his financial support, GoPro will connect Connor with established professional athletes, providing him invaluable mentorship and inspiration. He’ll also be featured on GoPro’s social media platforms, building his personal brand and inspiring countless others with his incredible skills and passion.

Aspirational Advice for Young Riders

For aspiring young BMX riders, Connor offers these sage words of advice: “Never give up on your dreams. Keep pushing your limits, even when it gets tough. There’s always a reward at the end.”

Role Models and Inspiration

Connor looks up to fellow BMX greats Ryan Williams, Logan Martin, Pat Casey, and Daniel Sandoval for their exceptional talent and unwavering dedication. “These riders have inspired me to become the best rider I can be,” says Connor.

A Bright Future Ahead

Connor is eager to embrace the opportunities that this partnership offers. “I’m so excited to see what this journey holds,” he shares. “I can’t wait to compete in bigger events, meet my idols, and motivate young riders around the world to dream big.” With his undeniable talent and unstoppable drive, there’s no doubt that Connor Stitt has a brilliant BMX future ahead.