OJ Simpson Attorney Reverses Position: Goldman Family Payout ‘Will Be Accepted’


Executive’s Initial Remarks Stir Controversy

In a surprising turn of events, Malcolm LaVergne, the longtime attorney and executor of O.J. Simpson’s estate, recently made controversial statements regarding a .5 million civil court judgment awarded in 1997 to the families of Simpson’s ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and Ron Goldman.

LaVergne initially declared to the Las Vegas Review-Journal that he would vehemently oppose the payout, specifically targeting the Goldmans. However, in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter just days later, he retracted his comments and provided a revised stance.

Clarification and Course Correction

LaVergne explained that his initial remarks were directed at the Goldman family’s attorneys, not the family itself. He clarified that Fred Goldman’s claim would be handled in accordance with Nevada law and would be accepted.

“Within an hour of knowing that O.J. died, he started talking s—. My advocate instinct was, ‘Oh, you’re gonna keep s—-ing on him even after he’s dead?'” LaVergne said. “‘Fine, you know? You get nothing.’ And so, those were my remarks then. But I backtracked, and they were pretty harsh remarks. And now I’m going in the other direction.”

Future Steps and Transparency

LaVergne announced his intention to invite members of both families to a meeting where he would be “hypertransparent” with them. His goal is to provide a full account of the estate’s financial situation and the steps that will be taken to resolve the outstanding judgment.


Simpson was famously acquitted of the June 1994 knife slayings of Brown and Goldman in a criminal trial. However, a civil jury found him liable in a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the victims’ families. Simpson has always maintained his innocence but acknowledged the financial burden of the judgment.

Hundreds of valuable possessions, including Simpson’s Heisman Trophy, were seized and auctioned off to partially satisfy the award. His NFL and private pensions have served as his primary source of income since then.

Sources Cited

“O.J. Simpson Estate Executor Vows to Contest .5M Payout: ‘Goldmans Get Zero, Nothing'” by LA News Center
“Malcolm LaVergne Breaks Silence About Initial Remarks on O.J. Simpson’s Estate” by The Hollywood Reporter
“O.J. Simpson Found Liable in Wrongful Death Lawsuit” by LA Times

Data sourced from: foxnews.com