Teenager Critical After Fall in Abandoned Missile Silo, Friend Charged


Teenage Daredevil’s Perilous Adventure in an Abandoned Missile Silo

On a fateful Sunday morning, a group of high schoolers from the affluent Cherry Creek Schools in the Denver metro area embarked on an ill-fated expedition. Their destination: an abandoned missile silo located near the quaint town of Deer Trail, Colorado.

Trespass Into Danger

Determined to explore the forbidden depths of the enigmatic silo, the teens crawled through a broken gate at its entrance. Inside, they navigated a labyrinth of twisted metal, collapsed floors, and precarious concrete pieces. But fate had a cruel twist in store.

Terror Strikes Underground

As they delved deeper into the silo, tragedy struck. A careless misstep sent one of the teenagers, an 18-year-old male, plummeting 30 feet into the darkness. His friends, horrified, witnessed his descent into the abyss.

Desperate Cries for Help

Realizing the gravity of the situation, the remaining teens remained with their injured companion and frantically called for help. With no cellphone reception inside the silo, their cries went unanswered until much later.

A Race Against Time

Around 6 a.m., two uninjured friends emerged from the silo and ran to seek assistance. As rescue crews descended upon the scene, they discovered the group of teenagers, five of whom had remained on the surface.

Injured and Accused

After a perilous three-hour rescue operation, the injured teen was meticulously extracted and airlifted to a nearby hospital. Though seriously injured, his condition was expected to improve. Sadly, both the injured teen and one of his companions received summonses for third-degree criminal trespass.

A Sinister Scene

LA News Center obtained exclusive images of the abandoned silo, revealing a grim spectacle of twisted metal, collapsed floors, and jagged concrete pieces strewn about the site. It was a testament to the dangerous and chaotic environment that had trapped these teenagers.

Abandoned Silo’s Allure and Perils

The abandoned missile silo near Deer Trail, a leftover relic from the Cold War, has become an eerie and alluring destination for thrill-seekers. However, its decaying state and inherent dangers pose a severe threat to those who venture inside.

Rescue crews have repeatedly emphasized the perilous nature of these structures, urging the public to avoid trespassing. The slightest misstep or structural failure can have catastrophic consequences.

Community Response

In the wake of this incident, the community has rallied around the injured teenager and his family. Prayers and well wishes have poured in, expressing concern and offering support during this trying time.

Local authorities have also stepped up patrols around the abandoned silo, hoping to deter future trespassers. They remind the community that curiosity and adventure should never override safety, especially when dealing with potentially dangerous abandoned structures.

Data sourced from: foxnews.com