Violent Attacks on LA Buses Raise Safety Concerns for Riders and Operators


Public Safety in Jeopardy: Violence on LA Public Transit Raises Alarms

A Brutal Assault Sparks Concerns

A horrifying incident on an LA Dash bus recently captured on video has amplified concerns about safety on the city’s public transit systems. The shocking footage depicts a violent struggle between a female bus operator and a homeless woman, with the woman managing to drag the driver off the bus and onto the sidewalk.

Bus driver violently attacked by homeless woman in L.A.
A L.A. Dash bus operator was brutally attacked by a homeless woman on May 5, 2024. (OnScene)
  • A spike in violence:Recent attacks on Metro buses and trains have sparked outrage and concern from riders and residents.
  • Unprovoked incidents: Many of these attacks are seemingly unprovoked, highlighting a rising sense of insecurity on public transportation.
  • Calls for enhanced security: Advocacy groups and community leaders are calling for increased security measures on buses and trains to protect riders and operators.
  • Metr
    o’s response: Metro has deployed transit security officers on high-risk bus lines and is exploring long-term security solutions.

A Troubling Pattern

The recent attack on the Dash bus is not an isolated incident. In the past few months, there have been several other violent and deadly attacks on public transit:

  1. A deadly stabbing:On April 22, a Metro train passenger was stabbed to death on her commute home in Studio City, allegedly by a transient.
  2. Stabbings and a hijacking:A bus driver in Willowbrook was also stabbed, and in March, a transient hijacked a Metro bus and crashed it into the Ritz-Carlton hotel in downtown Los Angeles.
  3. Metro board member’s concerns: Last week, a member of the LA Metro board voiced concerns about her own personal safety while riding the bus.

A Twin Crisis

Metro officials attribute many of these unprovoked attacks to the “twin crisis” of untreated mental illness and drug addiction. The county is grappling with a significant rise in homelessness and a lack of resources to provide adequate mental health and substance abuse treatment.

Roving Security Teams Advocated

In response to the escalating safety concerns, organizations like the Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable are advocating for the implementation of roving security teams on public transit.

“Bus drivers and train operators feel they’re being targeted,” said Earl Hutchinson, President of the organization. “These teams would not only provide security but also give them a sense of protection.”